More Active Members Essential in 2014
Ch l Wilfong, P id t West Virginia Farm Bureau
Charles Wilf
President, W t Vi i i F
the reception this year has been moved to the
I hope 2014 will be a
Charleston Marriott Town Center.
year of very active member
involvement in the many
Update on the Alt Case: The Alt vs. EPA case
issues facing agriculture
has been appealed to the 4th Circuit Appeals Court
across our state and nation.
in Richmond, VA. As we previously informed
This issue is our annual
you, Judge John Preston Bailey, federal judge
policy edition, which is
for the Northern District of West Virginia, had
devoted to showcasing all
previously ruled in favor of the Alts in late
of the policies that were
October. The EPA and various environmental
approved by the voting
groups had 60 days to appeal the ruling. They
delegates at the West Virginia Farm Bureau
filed that appeal on December 20th. So, the case
Annual Meeting in November 2013. We also
continues, and the stakes continue to get higher
highlight some priority issues that the WVFB
as we move through this arduous process. We will
Board of Directors selected that may need extra
keep you informed.
attention. Other issues can be added to the
priority list if the need arises.
Our policies are reas