Why?, continued
development programs were improved. Among the
group’s suggestions was to insist that USDA become
more focused on funding the strategic economic and
community priorities of rural stakeholders and improve
program metrics to lead to better program evaluations
and increased effectiveness of funding decisions.
The group of 44 called for streamlined processes
for these communities, people and businesses. The
staff of rural communities and organizations has to
confront application processes that are so complicated
and are designed for large urban cities, non-profits and
corporations. The group pointed out the critical need for
technical assistance to help rural organizations with their
lack of capacity to apply for sophisticated projects.
What policy direction did Vilsack’s department offer?
Let me observe that too often when national policy
is created it has an urban focus with little or no thought
given to its implications for rural communities and their
limited staffs. With federal funding in jeopardy it is
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Invest in a program!
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E v a l u a t i n g
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Sale Date: March 28, 2013
12:00 Noon
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