Something to Think About
Don Michael, WVFB Director of Governmental Affairs
The Regular Session of the West
Virginia Legislature convened
February 13, featuring many new
faces in both the House and Senate.
The leadership remains consistent,
with Rick Thompson (D-Wayne,
District 19) continuing as Speaker
of the House and Jeffrey Kessler
(D-Marshall, District 2) as Senate President.
The new landscape in the House, with 54 Democrats
and 46 Republicans, strengthens the hand of the
non-partisan Rural Caucus, led by Bill Hartman (D –
Randolph, District 43). The Caucus provides an excellent
forum for public servants to put politics aside as they
discuss issues and exchange ideas in promoting legislation
to have a positive impact on rural West Virginia. The
Rural Caucus has always been supportive of agriculture
and forestry initiatives. Farm Bureau appreciates
Delegate Hartman’s leadership, as well as the involvement
of the 40+ House members who participate.
It is anyone’s guess what the 60-day session holds. As
usual, budget will drive the process, and West Virginians
can take comfort and pride in the track record established
by our lawmakers. They are certainly to be commended
for their fiscal responsibility. But their efforts may be
challenged if the “fiscal train wreck” in Washington, D.C.
isn’t resolved soon.
Lawmakers will be sifting through more than 1,000
bills during the 60-day session. We are hopeful to
see closure on legislation focusing on a number of
issues addressed during legislative interims – trespass
responsibility to protect West Virginia’s longstanding
liability rules, loose animals/livestock trespass, fencing,
poultry litter and manure movement into primary poultry
breeder rearing areas, etc. For updates and details
regarding the status of bills on our watch list, go to www. and click on Legislature – Hot Issues.
Until next time, remember – “We pull the most
when we pull together.” Take care FRIENDS, God bless
Important dates on the
Farm Bureau Legislative
March 4 – Farm Credit & Farm
Bureau Legislative Appreciation
Lunch Activity, Farm Bureau
Board of Directors Meeting,
Twentieth Day/Legislative RuleMaking Review bills due.
March 5 – Farm Bureau and
Forestry Day at the Legislature,
Legislative Briefing (5:00 p.m.)
and Taste of West Virginia
Reception (6:00 p.m.) at the
Charleston Ramada (formerly
Charleston House Holiday Inn)
March 25 – Forty-first Day/
Last day to introduce bills in
the Senate and House. Does
not apply to originating or
supplementary appropriation bills
or resolutions.
March 31 – Forty-seventh Day/
Bills due out of committees in
house of origin to ensure three
full days for readings.
April 3 – Fiftieth Day/Last day
to consider bill on third reading
in house of origin. Does not
include budget or supplementary
appropriation bills.
April 13 – Sixtieth Day/
Legislature adjourns at midnight.
West Virginia Farm Bureau News 5