WV Farm Bureau Magazine December 2012 | Page 24

You can rely on Nationwide Agribusiness , too . They ’ re the # 1 farm insurer in the U . S . They ’ re also the only company with On Your Side ® Farm Reviews that help make sure your farm has the coverage you need at the right price for you .
Dale Earnhardt Jr .
Farm Bureau members have another reason to choose Nationwide Agribusiness — lower farm insurance costs . Farm Bureau members can save up to 7 % on their farm insurance .
Call 888-370-3870 today or visit nationwide . com / WVFB
Source : 2009 Munich Re Report . Based on premium and loss data .
Products underwritten by Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company , Farmland Mutual Insurance Company , Allied Property and Casualty Insurance Company , and AMCO Insurance Company . Home Office : 1100 Locust Street , Des Moines , IA , 50391 . Subject to underwriting guidelines , review , and approval . Products and discounts not available to all persons in all states . Nationwide may make a financial contribution to this organization in return for the opportunity to market products and services to its members or customers . Nationwide , the Nationwide framemark , and On Your Side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company . © 2011 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company . Farm Bureau is a registered service mark of American Farm Bureau Federation used under license by Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company . All rights reserved . Paid endorsement . The JR Motorsports logo and the name , likeness and signature of Dale Earnhardt , Jr ., and all related trademarks and copyrights are used with the permission of JR Motorsports , LLC and JRM Licensing , LLC . ( 0511 )