ore than 300 members and friends of the West
Virginia Farm Bureau gathered on November 9th - 11th at the Days Hotel and Conference Center in Sutton to conduct their 93rd Annual Meeting .
Elections for state leadership positions were held on the last day of the meeting . The voting delegates once again chose Charles Wilfong of Pocahontas County to serve as president . John Pitsenbarger of Nicholas County was chosen to serve as vice president .
This year , Regions 1 , 3 , 5 and 7 chose directors to serve on the WVFB board . Elected from Region 1 were Doug Stolipher and David Parker ; from Region 3 , John Pitsenbarger , Philip Gregg and Roger Hanshaw ; from Region 5 , Steve Hannah and Mike Morris ; and from Region 7 , Clyde Bailey , Bill Stewart and Paul Cummings . JoEllen Blair from Wood County will again serve as chair of the WVFB Women ’ s Leadership Committee , and Charles Wilfong II , from Pocahontas County , will serve as the chair of the WVFB Young Farmer Committee . In addition , both will serve on the WVFB board .
West Virginia Farm Bureau News