WV Farm Bureau Magazine December 2012 | Page 16

SHOP RATE $ 40 per hour
Wilfong , continued
this Christmas season , we are seeing the most extensive attempts ever to remove Christ from Christmas . Hardly a day goes by that we don ’ t see some controversy about a cross , a nativity scene , Christmas trees or prayer at a school event . Some seem to prefer a totally Godless society , and they want to force their non-belief upon all of us . Our Constitution guarantees freedom of religion , not freedom from religion . If we don ’ t stand up for this basic right , we will lose it .
The American exceptionalism we have enjoyed is at risk . We cannot allow the socialists in our government to destroy our country . We must reevaluate our leaders , and it starts at the grassroots – our town councils , county commissions , state legislators , congressional leaders – all the way up to the President . Do their views and values match your own ? Do they represent you well ? If so , do as much as possible to support them , but if not , we must replace them . Our freedom depends upon our actions .
And finally , I want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas .
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SHOP RATE $ 40 per hour
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16 West Virginia Farm Bureau News