Young Farmer and Rancher Update
Susan Wilkins , YF & R Vice-chair i
The Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee has wrapped up another year and is busily planning for a new one . During the Annual Meeting we collected approximately 150 pounds of food which was donated to the Mountaineer Food Bank in Gassaway – an official Feeding America site . Our Silent and Live Auctions
summer and a fall farm tour – please keep an eye out for more information later in the spring . Our Book Barns continue to be distributed around the state and we are still amazed at the success of this program - now entering its fifth year . If your county is interested in obtaining a Book Barn , please contact Eric in the State Office .
It is easy to be caught up in all the pessimism that
were again great successes and we thank all those who contributed in donated items , money , and labor . The generosity of the good folks who support our program is truly astonishing . We also want to thank those who helped work the auction and especially Joe Hatton , Roger Hanshaw , Woody Ireland , and Rocky Peck ! These guys faithfully help us each year ; without even having to be begged to do so !
2013 will see members of the Committee attending the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting in Nashville , Tennessee as well as the Young Farmer and Rancher Leadership Conference in Phoenix , Arizona . We have preliminary plans in place for both an early
surrounds us right now with the pending regulations and expiring tax cuts that threaten agriculture , but as Young Farmers , we are cautiously optimistic about what the New Year might hold . Each year brings its own set of trials and hurdles . Change in American agriculture is inevitable ; but we are never given a challenge too tough to conquer . And truly , what better life is there to live than that of a farmer ? Jimmy Buffett is quoted as saying , “ It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad .” We can all benefit from taking that to heart and making it our resolution in the coming year .
May God bless us all in 2013 !
12 West Virginia Farm Bureau News