How to dry food at home
vitamin C content. Peel and core the
ehydration is considered to be
apples. Slice into ¼-inch rings or slices.
one of the first methods of food
Soak the slices for 10 minutes in a
preservation. The removal of moisture
solution of 3¾ teaspoons ascorbic acid
from food inhibits the growth of the
in 2 cups water, or one part lemon juice
typical spoilage agents – bacteria, yeast,
and one part water. Arrange slices close,
and mold. While early methods of air
but not touching, so as not
drying, sun drying, and
to disrupt air flow during
smoking can still produce
the drying process. The
sufficient results at home,
apples will be dry in 6 to
an electric dehydrator can
12 hours using a standard
speed up this process and
household dehydrator.
provide more consistent
results. Throughout
Drying bananas
history, dehydrated meat
Bananas also need to be
has had a significant role
treated prior to drying. Select
in the diets of many
bananas that are solid yellow
cultures; however, today,
or slightly brown flecked.
we know you can also dry
and enjoy most vegetables Apples are one of the Peel and slice ¼ to ¾ inch
thick crosswise or lengthwise.
easiest foods to dry
and fruits.
Soak the slices 3 to 5 minutes
at home.
About drying produce
in an ascorbic acid mixture.
Dry 8 to 10 hours using a standard
When selecting fruits or vegetables for
home dehydrator.
drying, it is important to choose fresh
produce that is firm, ripe, and blemishDrying pineapples
free. Remember to always wash produce
Unlike apples and bananas, pineapples
to remove all soil particles. Once the
do not need to be pretreated before
food is dehydrated, it should feel dry
drying. Select fully ripe, fresh pineapple.
but not brittle. Many fruits will take
Wash, peel, and remove thorny eyes.
on a leathery but pliable texture.
Slice lengthwise and remove core.
You can experiment by dipping the
Cut in ½-inch slices crosswise. Dry
fruit in other fruit juices or a honey
24 to 36 hours using a standard
dip (dissolve ½ cup sugar in ½ cup
household dehydrator.
boiling water) prior to drying. Use
Packaging and storing dried foods
caution though, because not only
Dried food must be cooled to room
will these methods change the flavor,
temperature prior to packaging and
but it will also increase the calories.
stored in moisture-resistant containers
Some of the easiest foods to dry at home
with a tight fitting lid. Typically, dried
include bananas, pineapples, herbs, corn,
fruit can be stored for one year. To store
apples, dry beans and peas, green beans,
any longer, the dried product should
and sweet potatoes. Apples, bananas,
be placed in a freezer.
and pineapples are excellent foods to use
Contact your county’s WVU Extension
when first learning the drying process.
Service office for information about
Drying apples
specific drying techniques or recipes.
Apples need to be soaked in ascorbic
By Dave Roberts, WVU Extension Agent –
acid prior to treatment to preserve
Families and Health, Lincoln and Boone
the original color and improve the
iv / Summer 2014
WVU Update
The West Virginia University
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Davis College of Agriculture,
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Lindsay Wiles, Editor
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