WSU Formal Recruitment Booklet May. 2014 | Page 14

KKG blue team Founded: October 13, 1870 Chapter: Eta Upsilon Color: Dark Blue and Light Blue Symbol: Fleur-de-Lis and Owl Philanthropy: Reading is Fundamental, Kappa Foundation & Fundamental Learning Center President: Whitney McBryde Local Website: Twitter: @kkgwichitastate Instagram: @kkgwichitastate The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma value scholarship, leadership, friendship, and service. The chapter supports Reading is Fundamental (RIF) by reading to children at local elementary schools and donating books and bookmarks. They support their local philanthropy, the Fundamental Learning Center (FLC), through an annual philanthropy event. Last year this event was, Drop It to the Fleur, a volleyball tournament. Members of Kappa Kappa Gamma enjoy a variety of monthly sisterhood events that encourage bonding and friendship – movie nights, corn maize adventures, bowling, crafting and attending campus events. The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma support their members by recognizing their accomplishments and promoting their endeavors. Kappa Kappa Gamma is the third oldest women’s fraternity and the Founders believed in women supporting women – through their scholarship efforts, leadership opportunities and genuine friendship. Today, Kappa has 141 chapters in the U.S. and Canada and more than 250,000 initiated members. Kappa Kappa Gamma joined the Wichita State University Panhellenic community in Fall 2013. The women of KKG can be seen holding one of the chapter’s 18 officer positions, leadership positions on campus, and in the surrounding community. finances new member fee: $165-170 per capita fee: $82-87 house corp. fee: $100 Shelby Johnson junior maintenance Fee: $50 chapter dues: $110/month for 9 month I am a senior majoring in Finance. I love to chase storms, so the fact that one of my all time favorite movies is Twister shouldn’t surprise you. I play guitar when I have the free time! My favorite TV shows range from Criminal Minds to Friday Night Lights, even to Doctor Who. My absolute favorite kind of music is Country music.