wrong wrong save for pasting 2020 'ASTORS' CHAMPIONS | Page 23

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2020 CHAMPIONS - Edition 51

tered suspects is worthwhile ,

as this type of terrorism has become prominent globally .

By understanding the influenc- es of families on the creation of terrorists , incapacitating

the likelihood of their

involvement in terrorism is enhanced

. Multiple family members have

taken part in prominent U . S .

ex- tremist incidents such as the

2010 killing of two police offi- cers during a traffic stop in

Arkan- sas by the father and son ( Kanes

; son did the shooting at the dad s behest ); the 2013 Boston

Mara- thon attacks by Tsarnaev broth- ers , and the 2014

assassination of two Las Vegas police officers by husband and wife ( Millers

), https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = E19zACC2myg & feature = emb _ logo

( Shootings are not uncommon in San Bernardino , but this was not a normal callout for first responders . Courtesy of ABC News and YouTube . Posted on Dec 1 , 2016 .)