wrong wrong save for pasting 2020 'ASTORS' CHAMPIONS | Page 153

figure out how to avoid it , including bad actors

. Physical security that is non-aggressive it actu- ally reduces the

prob- ability of crime or ter- rorist acts and comforts non-criminal

elements while they use the space


CPTED is a great tool but you have to go

beyond that to be truly effective


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attend receive a pre-sale copy of

' Survival of the Friendliest


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tJIpcO2trjks- GNVQ7SJ0kKIXBUE7BvX2lVGM About the

Author Doug

Haines , Owner and CEO of

Haines Security Solutions ( HSS

) and Haines Security


( Doug Haines , of HSS accepting multiple ' ASTORS '
Homeland Security Awards at ISC East in the Jacob Javits
Con- vention Center , New York City .

School ( HSDS


HSS , is recognized as a center of ex- pertise within the security com- munity for risk assessment , provid- ing services to federal ; State , local government agencies and private companies around the globe , and is a founding member of

International Centers of Security

Train- ing Excellence (


[ 1 ] https :// www . architectmagazine . com / practice /
how-architects-can-transition-to-buildings-as-products-not-proj- ects _ o ? utm _ source = newsletter & utm _ content = Article & utm _ medium = email & utm _ campaign = AN _ 120420
[ 2 ] www . nicp .
net [ 3 ] Mobile training teams ( MTT ) are available to teach all courses on-site , as necessary , no minimum attendee
requirement [ 4 ] Recognized as the Best Homeland Security Education Program in 2017 with a Platinum ' ASTORS '