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www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2020 CHAMPIONS - Edition 51

Never underestimate the lethality arising from lone wolves , especially in causing mass casualty terror attacks ( e . g ., 23 killed at a Walmart in El Paso in 2019 , 11 murdered at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018 , and 49 killed at an Orlando nightclub in 2016 ).

In closing , the incoming Biden administration will have its hands full with these and unknown threats in the coming years .

Police Counterterror Efforts Internal to the Department

One can delineate potent policing countermeasures to terrorism between those activities effectuated internal to the police department and those focused on the public .

Foremost , police management must be convinced that this threat merits concern by the organization . The administration should allocate personnel and other resources to undermine radicalism .

Too , management should raise awareness of the threat and its negative implications to police officers and the community .

Acknowledgment that common crimes can be associated with extremism should buttress police personnel ’ s focus on radicals in their jurisdictions .

Threats to officer safety stemming from these non-traditional criminals must be emphasized with personnel .

Attacks against cops by terrorists of varied ideological affilia-