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tal data , and the data overload is

com- ing at a time when departments are facing budget cuts .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2020 CHAMPIONS - Edition 51

As data grows and budgets

decrease , police departments are turning to dig- ital transformation to accomplish more with less .

NICE Investigate can help police de- partments stretch their limited budget dollars without compromising ser- vice quality , by automating digital

ev- idence collection , analysis and sharing


Departments are able to realize a ten- fold plus savings in productivity , and use technology as a force multiplier to help officers spend more time in the community , and more time inves- tigating cases , without adding extra overhead and costs .

In an age of

COVID-19 , officer

safety is another key justification point for digital transformation . In-person in- terviews with eye-witnesses , driving from location to location to collect ev- idence , hand-delivering case files , all fly in the face of social distancing .

Beyond transforming how officers work , NICE

Investigate is also en- hancing productivity across the entire criminal justice continuum .

* NICE has now been recognized with

Multiple Awards in their Fifth

Con- secutive Year in the


Homeland Security Awards .

Police departments around the globe are embracing NICE Investigate to improve service to com- munities while also saving time and money .