The blue spotted salamander – one of numerous wildlife
species dependent on wetland areas for their survival.
In addition to being one of the largest remaining
Carolinian woodland blocks of habitat, the Ramsey
Road Woodlot is predominately a swamp forested
One of the reasons that it was upgraded to its
current protected status is that in 2008 towering
rare Black Gum trees were discovered.
Another is that the wetland parts of the forest,
especially lands south of Oldfield Road, contain
vernal (temporary) pools, lined with Pin Oak Trees.
These vernal pools provide habitat for another rare
species, the Blue-Spotted Salamander. Many of
these pools are also habitat for rare buttonbush
communities, which provide habitat for a
spectacular bird, the Wood Duck.
Although set back in 2008, the Thundering Waters
proposal is still alive. It is now going through a
Secondary Plan process.