about schemers who “ Speak With Forked Tongue .”
The justification for the Thundering Waters assault is a document termed the Draft , “ Characterization and Environmental Impact Study .” Although the report is a product of both Dougan Associates and C . Portt Associates , it clearly states that its “ primary author ” is Dr . Stephen Hill .
In the sales copywriting , it stresses the strength of what is termed , “ Buffers between the Provincially Significant Wetland ( ie . Remaining forests ) and the residential / commercial areas .” The report ’ s readers are reassured that these buffers will be protected by “ re-vegetation of cleared areas with native species .” Such careful buffer plantings are supposed to “ reduce the risk of contaminants such as heavy metals , salt , and pesticides reaching vernal pools .” A pledge is also made that pro-active use of planting native species in buffer zones impact by development . This is said to “ minimize the establishment on non-native species .”
Sweet words of re-assurance are contradicted by the tragic reality of what is on the ground . Although there are 500 acres still remaining of the Thundering Waters Forest , south of Oldfield Road , in 1992 the area was 800 acres in extent . There has been massive forest destruction north of Oldfield Road , for both a golf course and a residential development . This destruction of 300 acres of forest is the worst environmental mayhem experienced in Canada ’ s most species diverse ecological region , the Carolinian life zone . The development here lacks any ecological sensitivity . It is just text book Concrete Brutalism , without for instance , any bio-swales . Nothing but cement curbs and gutters to speed polluted water to the Niagara River , where it was formerly slowed down by vernal pools , rich in habitat for species such as Wood Frog , and the Blue Spotted Salamander . To facilitate development here a strip has been torn south of Oldfield Road ,