Writing Matters - Feature Step 1 Vl 1 | Page 4

Writing Feature Articles - Lesson . The Lessons Lesson . : De?ne a Feature Article Lesson at a Glance After being introduced to the four key characteristics of feature articles, students examine examples and non-examples before developing their own description of this popular writing genre. Objectives Students will recognize that feature articles have a focused topic, provide a new angle and go in-depth. Students will also be able to point out some of the unique “features” of feature articles as well as the range of publications in which they appear. Focusing Question What are the characteristics of a feature article? Prep & Tech Your analysis of characteristics of feature articles 1.1a: Feature Articles Packet – Beginner 1.1a: Feature Articles Packet – Intermediate 1.1a: Feature Articles Packet – Experienced 1.1b: Characteristics of a Feature Article: DI Speakers Limited Tech Options If there is no access to the technology needed for this lesson, try the following options: ?? Mini Lesson: Instead of showing the animated program, bring in a variety of magazines and newspapers for each table. Ask students to quickly ?nd the “main” article in the publication. ?? Instead of showing the video clip, show students the print version of the story, “NBA Star Sells $15 Sneakers.” ?? Instead of using a computer/LCD projector to model, use chart paper. Notes: (1) The Feature Articles Packet – Intermediate (Handout 1.1a) contains several mentor texts recommended for the unit. Additional texts used in the Reading Companion are included in Prof. P’s Of?ce and the Text Binder. It is recommended that you make copies of the Feature Articles Packet so that they are easily accessible to you and students during the six-week implementation period. (2) Before Lesson 1.3, students will need usernames and passwords to enroll in the Online Classroom.