Writing Feature Articles - Step 1 - Lesson 1 | Page 37

Writing Feature Articles - Lesson a Writing Feature Articles - Handout .. a Beginner Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________ . a: Feature Articles Packet (page of ) “Teens Take on School Cafeteria...” continued don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. The number of overweight adolescents has tripled in the past twenty years. Research also shows that unhealthy eating can affect teens’ brains as well their bodies. The website Child Wisdom reports that children who don’t have enough vitamins and minerals get sick more often than children who eat right. The children who do not eat well sometimes also have low math scores, bad memories, confusion and depression. Teens Take Action with Some Help After trying but failing to get the soda machines out of school, Alison did not give up. She researched the problem and found out about an organization called FoodShare that teaches people how to cook food in a healthy way. Alison formed a club to talk about the cafeteria problem and ?gure out what to do. The club checked out the school cafeteria food and asked students to give it a grade. As they suspected, the cafeteria food received a grade of F. With the help of Ms. K, the school’s Health teacher, Alison’s club launched a plan to make their own lunches, healthier options that they could sell at lunch time. They started selling yogurt parfaits that had fruit and crunchy nuts, sandwiches on whole grain bread and veggie pita pizzas. Students bought everything they sold and were coming back for seconds. The project was so successful that club members and their parents soon brought the program to the Board of Education. The Board decided that all the schools in the district ne YYX[Y\?[\??]]?\?[?]H?????Y?]\?XHY[?H??[?H?]?Y]?Y[??[??Y??H?]\???\?\???H?H????\??X?]X?YY?[\??H]??Y?]\?XK??????[?\]??\????[????^[\K[??\]YZ\?Y[?K?Y?\?Y[??[?\?[?????H\ ????????Y?H\?X[??];? [Y??X?\?^H?\X?Y[H?]H?[Y?\??]??Z]?[??Y?]X?\?[?H?[???YH???X??[?\??^H?;? \? ?\\?YZ[H?H?\?]H??????H??Y?X[HX][??\????X?N??[??[???Y[??Z?H[\??[?\??X?Y[X?\??XYHHY??\?[??H?H??Z[??\?]H?]?\?YXH]XYB??\??Y[??]?\?H???]X??]\?Z\?[??\???[?K??HZ?[???H?\?[H[??][???\?????[?[??Y?]\?XH????[????H\??\?[???\?H[?X[K?\??[???[??H\??\?B????X?H[??????X????H??[??K?H?^H^HY\??[??????]?\?[?K??[??Y?]\?XB????\?\????[?\?X[H???Y[??^H?[????\?\??Y[?]\?[?X\??X?]???]\??X][??[?]?[??????8?'Y[??Z?H?H?????Y?]\?XK?H?\?[?HX[Y\??Y[???K??'H???8?&\??? X?K????H ? L XX?[??X]\??[???????XX?[??X]\?????Y?H N B??