Writing Feature Articles - Step 1 - Lesson 1 | Page 25

Writing Feature Articles - Lesson . Beginner Modify Technology Use: If students are not ready to share online, have them share their topics and angles in small groups. They can participate in online activities later in the unit. Preparing for Writer’s Work Time Active engagement: Have students brie?y turn and talk to a classmate to discuss one reason why the topic selected is relevant and interesting to them as writers. Ask for one or two volunteers to explain their responses before releasing students to work independently. Distribute computers. Give the following directions: ?? Review the feature article topic and angle you selected. ?? Use all the brainstorming notes taken thus far. Ask yourself: o Why is this topic interesting to me? o Will I be able to ?nd information about the topic? o What personal knowledge or experience do I have related to this topic? o Is the topic narrow enough? Or is it too broad and the same as many other topics I have seen? o What might the purpose of this article be? What do I want people to understand about this topic? Who is the audience? ?? Write about your narrowed topic and angle in your writer’s notebook, focusing on the questions you just answered. ?? Post your focused topic and angle in the Step 1 Online Classroom activity titled Share Your Feature Article Topic. Writer’s Work Time ( min) Students work independently to clarify the topic and angle of their feature article. They then prewrite in their notebooks, exploring their personal connection to the topic and angle, and the direction they imagine their articles taking. Conferring and Di?erentiation During Writer’s Work Time, determine if student work has: ?? a narrow F??2?B?v?R7V?F&?Rf?"F?P?fVGW&R'F?6?R76?v??V?C???+~? ??*?#?FV6???r?GFW'2???2?w&?GFV?&^??&V7F???F?BW????2F?Rw&?FW.( ?0?W'6??????v?VFvR?b??"6???V7F???F??F?P?F??2?B?v?R?wwr?FV6???v?GFW'2??&p??vRC???