Writers' World Newpaper Vol. IX | Page 16

COMING SOON! FRANCHISE NEWSPAPER Let us know if you’re interested. [email protected] Put “Franchise” in the subject line. Moses Malone, a three-time NBA MVP and one of basketball's most ferocious rebounders, died Sunday, September 13, 2015. He was 60. Malone's body was discovered in a Norfolk hotel room when he failed to report to a celebrity golf tournament in which he was scheduled to play. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Everyday should be breast cancer awareness with the rate of breast cancer. -So men as well as women, please don't forget to get your yearly mammograms! Introductory offer! Advertise In The Writers’ World Newspaper Writers’ World Newspaper comes out every 3 months in hard copy & digital formats.      Business Card Quarter Page Half Page Full Page Back Page $15.00 $30.00 $45.00 $60.00 $75.00 All can be paid via Paypal.com at [email protected] You can advertise in Writers’ World Newspaper 1. Submit an article (up to 900 words- 1 page- with an image) written by you describing your product or service. 2. Purchase ad space (left). 3. Become the Featured Book of the Issue. 4. Carol’s Bookstore Ad (page 5). Contact Carol Rogers at [email protected] for more information. The statements and opinions expressed in Writers’ World Newspapers in publications of Writers’ World Newspaper are solely those of the authors and not Writers’ World Newspaper Staff or the owner. The Editors are not permitted to engage in discussions about forthcoming issues with agencies involved in soliciting advertisements or companies purchasing advertising space. The Writers’ World Newspaper or staff does not evaluate products or services nor access advertisers claims. Neither the appearance of advertising Writers’ World Newspaper publications nor reference to a product within the same, constitutes an guarantee of the quality or endorsement of the products or service or such value of such product or service or the claims made by the m