Cont’d from pg. 3
Are college courses necessary, and if
so, where did you go? It's not necessary to got to college but that was the
path I choose. Filmmaking a specialized craft, that usually requires lots of
money and resources, school helps to
put everything in one place. I studied
at Howard University and earn a BA
in Film, and then my MFA in Film
production from Florida State University.
Which actor would you like to direct
in a movie and why? There are so
many talented actors I would love to
work with. Will Smith, Idris Elba, Taraji P. Henson, Don Cheadle, and
Phylicia Rashad just to name a few. I
think they great actors and we
could create something memorable
Do you have a film director you admire? -Who is he/she and why? I admire Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino. I love Spike's passion and dedication to the craft filmmaking. He's
made one project a year for the past
30 years and I hope to emulate his
work ethic. I love Tarantino's creativity and braveness to tackle non traditional stories. He makes films for himself and hopes the world enjoys. I've
incorporated their styles and others
into my own.
What's the best advice you could give
someone new to filmmaking? I would
share the advice Daphne Reid shared
with me when I was 15. If you want to
be a filmmaker or anything else in life,
learn as much as you can on the subject, and once you think
you've learned it all go and learn some
more. My two cents...immerse yourself in your craft, watch movies daily,
read stories, and practice expressing
yourself via pen or camera.
What projects are you working on? I
have my next three projects lined up
and working to expand the Muddy
Lions franchise. We are working obtain financing. 1. Walking Under the
Influence, an R rated comedy the
likes of Superbad+Hangover+Friday
= WUI, 2. Love First, A love story set
at a HBCU campus. 3. Yardies, an R
rated animated comedy the likes of
Fritz the Cat.
Where can the public buy your
film? Our main site is where you can purchase
DVDs, buttons, patches, posters, and
more. The Boy Scouts of America
have created a site also, to share
within the Scout community.
How can people stay connected with
you? I'm on social media under
Praheme and Troop 491/Muddy Lions.;; and I have a youtube
OCTOBER 10, 2015 - 20th Anniversary of
The Million Man March
This day was inspired and led by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan,
with more than a million Black men gathered together in Washington, D.C.
to declare their right to "Justice or Else".
Wrote a book? You need to promote it!
Advertise in the Jan. 2016 issue of Writers’ World Newspaper!
Writers World Newspaper, VOL. IX