Writers Tricks of the Trade Volume 7, Issue 4 Winter 2018 | Page 22

A N U NEXPECTED T URN : H OW R ADIO F OUND M E (C ONT ’ D )  We are now a part of theBlog Talk Radio Network http://amfm247.com/sta tions.html . Thank you to W INTER of 2018 the guest our prior show: For all our book launchings the first two hours of the event was a cocktail par- ty. Afterward, we had “Dinner with the Author.” During the cocktail party, a pro- ducer from a local radio station began to interview Sonia about her book. When the executive producer realized she had been self-published, she asked how it all came about. At that point, the producer was directed over to me. After telling her the story, she asked if I had ever considered a radio talk show about the publishing industry. Of course, I said no, that I had never given it a thought. With a little convincing, I began putting together my idea for how the program could work on a talk show format. A week later, there I was at the local station, KLAV 1230 AM, rehearsing for my own show. Thinking back, I truly had no idea what I was doing, or why I was doing it. The audition went well, and I was positioned into the 9 pm time slot. “As- pects of Writing” worked for the lecture group, so I decided to name the show the same. Once the reality of having the show set in, I began to realize that I knew how to write and publish, but questioned if I had the ability to conduct interviews. I won- dered how I would sound on the air. Then I began to doubt that I really knew enough about the industry. Moreover, who would be my guests? Whom would I interview; I couldn’t talk for an hour by myself for every show, that much was a given. As if I had not created enough internal fear, the realization that I would be live and people might be listening, had me asking myself, “What do you think you are doing?” Oh well, it was too late to back out now—I had already signed a two- year contract with the station. For my first show, I decided to invite John, one of the authors who had attend- ed my self-publishing lecture group several years earlier. I also invited the author whose event created the notion that I had all the answers about self-publishing, Sonia Lising-Cahalan. Thank goodness I did. The first night on the air, I began to hyperventilate. John Long, author of Yawnogard, saved the day. He took one look at my face during the interview and realized I was freezing up, so he took control when I was unable to speak. I had no script, no bullet points, and no notes. If you add in no confidence, I was a disaster in the making. Somehow, I made it through. The next day, I approached my executive producer and told her I was not the right person for this show. She said “The general manager listened to the broad- cast last night and loved it.” When I told her what happened, she stated that it didn’t come across that way on the air, and other than those present, no one could tell. She suggested that I hang in there, and tried to convince me that it would P AGE 14 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE TRADE