Writers Tricks of the Trade VOLUME 7, ISSUE 3 | страница 8

Morgan’s Corner Morgan’s Corner M ORGAN S T . J AMES , E DITOR S UMMER I S O FF T O A S IZZLING S TART L AS V EGAS TIES HOT WEATHER RECORD WITH 117 READING Morgan St. James, Editor Editor Silver Sisters Mysteries F IRST B OOK IN THE S ERIES FREE F OR A L IMITED T IME - K INDLE A ND E PUB E DITION A MAZON , B&N, A PPLE , S CRIBD , K OBO , P AGE F OUNDRY , 24 S YMBOLS ***** Cont’d next page… That’s right, folks. It in has “hotter Review than Hades” Las 2017 Ve- Headline the been Las Vegas Journal, here June in 20, gas, but it hasn’t kept the tourists away. After living here several years, one gets used to the summer heat and builds up a bit of a tolerance. Of course the fan motor for one of my air-conditioning units went on the fritz the day before my daughter from England, son from New Jer- sey and “ex” from Montana were due to arrive as house guests. I got lucky. The repair man arrived before they got into town and fixed it, or we would have been the ones sizzling. Whew. Speaking of family, as a proud Mom I’m going to deviate from the world of writing for a moment to brag about my son Jason Pransky. We went to lunch at the upscale Capital Grille in the Fashion Show Mall. Jason works at their Cherry Hill NJ location. After a scrumptious lunch we were asked to follow the manager into a private room. Video was set up on a large screen showing how Jason gifted select patrons with his “Art From the Heart” (yes, he is an artist, too) through the years. Then the Las Vegas manager told him he had been named Em- ployee of the Year for Capital Grille in Cherry Hill. Wow. This is the se- cond time he was awarded that honor! Audio Sample Audio Sample With my family spread out in various parts of the world, the visit was priceless. Okay, getting back to writing. On July 16 Writers of Southern Ne- vada presents Painted Stories IX “Endless Summer” in the Sonoma W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE P AGE 1 S UMMER 2017