Writers Tricks of the Trade VOLUME 7, ISSUE 3 | 页面 5

W RITERS T RICKS OF THE T RADE IS 5 YEARS OLD NOW . T HANKS TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR ONGOING SUPPORT Dear Readers and Contributors, Authors, publishers, editors and others in the business have kept our publication fresh and informative. We have grown from a simple newsletter back in 2012 to the format we enjoy today. But, we wouldn’t be here without the wonderful professionals who contribute to this magazine and the readers who increase in number with every issue. The quarterly issues contain helpful articles, industry news, writers’ conference listings, book reviews and reader brags or announcements, our Life Story feature, and much more. All categories are open to submissions. If you have a great story, Life Stories , is a wonderful opportunity to share something funny, devastating or inspirational that happened to you, or something you observed. Our first Life Story was an observation about how technology has changed everything and memories of what it was like in the 1950s. We had great response to that. Unfortunately, There was no submission of a Life Story for this issue. To suggest a topic or submit an article for consideration, please send your submission to [email protected]. Writers Tricks of the Trade magazine publishes on the 15 th of April, July, October, and January. Deadlines are the 5th of the publication month. If an issue is full, approved articles will appear in a future issue.