Writers Tricks of the Trade Volume 6 Issue 4 | Page 35
2007 they were nominated for a Hugo award. Works from their issues are consistently chosen for
inclusion in many national anthologies. A science fiction magazine of the best kind. Strange Horizons
represents where science fiction magazines are going in the future. Alexa rating of about 200,000.
5. http://spaceandtimemagazine.com/wp/
Space and Time Magazine
Began publishing in 1966. They publish high quality speculative fiction, and have been doing it for a
long time. The magazine publishes 4 times a year.
6. http://ttapress.com/interzone/
This is the longest running science fiction magazine in the UK, publishing since 1982. They have
published many greats including: Brian Aldiss, Sarah Ash, Michael Moorcock, Bruce Sterling, William
Gibson, M. John Harrison, Stephen Baxter, Iain M Banks, J.G. Ballard, Kim Newman, Alastair Reynolds,
Harlan Ellison, Greg Egan, and many more. This outstanding magazine fought the odds to keep science
fiction alive. Alexa rating of about 1.4 million.
7. http://weirdtalesmagazine.com/
Weird Tales
Weird Tales began publishing in 1923. They stopped publishing a couple of times and started again in
1988. The magazine was "revamped" in 2007. They are currently publishing speculative fiction.
8. http://not-one-of-us.com
Not One Of Us
Publishing since 1986, a wonderful science fiction magazine that has been nominated for many
awards and published many award winning authors. They Not One of Us is one of those magazines you
wish would publish more issues! Alexa rating of about 15 million.
9. http://www.challzine.net/
Established in 1993. They work hard to publish great science fiction and have been nominated for a
Hugo award many times. Alexa rating of about 6.1 million.
10. http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/
Clarkesworld Magazine
The newest magazines on the list, established in 2006. They have won many awards in the science
fiction world, and publish a yearly chapbook of all the stories that have appeared in their magazine.
Professionally done, full of outstanding science fiction writing, and devoted to creating a presence on the
web and in the real world. Every science fiction writer trying to publish their stories should give serious
consideration to this magazine. Alexa rating of about 1.1 million.