Writers Tricks of the Trade Volume 6 Issue 3 | Page 19

THE MAKING OF A BESTSELLER: ‘THE BOB’S BURGERS BURGER B OOK’ (CONT’D) added the art. In other words they edited the recipes using the chefs’ feedback. “Would Bob Belcher actually have a cookbook published?,” asked Pearlman. “Maybe, and I’m still hoping a certain New York book editor of my approximate height and wit makes it onto an episode, but we all felt that the book would carry more weight and authenticity, if it came from Loren and Cole.” Promotion for the book included a five-part video series with Delish.com. The popularity was unmistakable—about 300,000 views each. There were also interviews with America’s Test Kitchen and NPR. And, then there were the show’s fans. Ah, the power of celebrity and solid connections! “There are people making the burgers and sharing their experiences and that’s incredibly gratifying,” said Bouchard. “Making a burger can be an almost primal, creative thing. Getting involved with the fans in this way is great, because making cartoons can be a primal, creative thing, too. We’re all getting our hands greasy together.” Well, you might not have the power of a hit TV show, but cross-promotion is always interesting. Don’t overlook opportunities to branch out either by writing a book based upon something else, or vice versa—spinning off a product or products based upon your book. WRITERS’ TRICKS OF THE TRADE PAGE 11 "With colorful character illustrations, easy to follow directions and recipes like 'Bleu is the Warmest Cheese Burger,' 'BruschettaBout-It Burger' and 'I Know Why the Cajun Burger Sings,' [The Bob's Burgers Burger Book] is half cookbook, half memorabilia and 100 percent bad dad joke." -ANIMATION MAGAZINE JULY-AUGUST 2016