Writers Tricks of the Trade Volume 6 Issue 2 | Page 39

PRESS “CONTROL” THEN CLICK “BUY” TO PURCHASE ANY BOOK CHECK OUT THIS SOCIAL MEDIA (CONT’D) QUOTES SHOW YOUR GRATITUDE - 1 MINUTE Did a reader rave about you on Twitter? Tweet back and say thank you. The same goes for positive reviews on Facebook and other social media forums. Expressing gratitude humanizes you and makes people want to be a part of your social circle. Take the time to thank readers personally and your following will grow. Now… relax! This sounds like it is worth trying, even if your personal routine takes ANY BOOK THAT HELPS A CHILD TO FORM A HABIT OF READING, TO MAKE READING ONE OF HIS more time. PR Web says,”Breaking up the job into small tasks makes it easier. Just like the sales and marketing efforts it supports, social media is all about relationships. The more you put into it, the more you'll get back. Connections and brand awareness tend to have a snowball effect. Plus, it can be lots of fun.” This all sounds great, but personally I have to expand those times. Something that really helps, though, is to utilize the ability to schedule future posts. I don’t know about you, but I tell myself I’ll only do a quick check or a quick post on Facebook and somehow time flies and an hour has passed. Think about using Hootsuite.com. Here is a link to posting to Facebook with Hootsuite: https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-toschedule-facebook-posts Hootsuite can be use to post to multiple apps, too, so check it out. I like using Tweetdeck.com to schedule my tweets because I can add photos and also see activity in Twitter like who is retweeting my posts, things I’m interested in, etc. Social media is without question a time vampire, and one that we enjoy so it is easy to eat up the hours. Use aids where possible because it will free up more time to write. DEEP AND CONTINUING NEEDS, IS GOOD FOR HIM. –Maya Angelou WRITERS’ TRICKS OF THE TRADE PAGE 29 MARCH - APRIL 2016