Writers Tricks of the Trade Volume 6 Issue 2 | Page 32

PRESS “CONTROL” THEN CLICK “BUY” TO PURCHASE ANY BOOK Dead Medium (Cont’d) But even though she never cared for a living soul when alive, for some reason May is drawn to Chloe and feels the need to help her in any way possible. This story kept my finger busy as it turned page after page. I couldn't wait to see what the next page and even sentence had to add. And the ending - that was a total surprise. It also left a very large opening for another chapter in the Dead Medium which I hope Author Peter John brings forth very soon. READ THE LAST TWO ISSUES OF THE WRITERS TRICKS OF THE TRADE EZINE IF YOU MISSED THEM Peter John was born in Bromley Kent, England in 1973. He gained an interest in creative writing at the age of 14 and was published during the 1990's in several poetry anthologies. Happily Married to Jo since 1996 and currently living in Sidcup Kent, not so far from the tree. Martha has been our resident reviewer for several years now, and can always be relied upon to find a book we might not have found ourselves. Her book, A Book and a Dish, is quite fun. For every review in it, the author has submitted a recipe for their favorite dish. So you get a double deal. Interesting reviews and great recipies. LINK Visit Martha’s websites for more reviews and recipes. http://marthaskitchenkorner.blogspot.com (A Book and a Dish) http://stirlaughrepeat.blogspot.com (Main Site) http://marthaatkitchenkorner.blogspot.com (Martha's Kitchen Korner) http://marthasrecipecabinet.blogspot.com (Martha's Recipe Cabinet) http://stirlaughrepeatcookbook.blogspot.com (Cookbook Site) BOOKS BY MARTHA LINK VISIT US ON FACEBOOK WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/W RITERSTRICKSOFTHETRADE CHECK THE BLOG WITH DIRECTORY TO PAST ISSUES MARCH - APRIL 2016 PAGE 22 WRITERS’ TRICKS OF THE TRADE