Writers Tricks of the Trade Volume 5, Issue 6 | Page 23

PRESS “CONTROL” THEN CLICK “BUY” TO PURCHASE ANY BOOK Martha has been our resident reviewer for a few years now, and can always be relied upon to find a book we might not have found ourselves. Her book, A Book and a Dish, is quite fun. For every review in it, the author has submitted a recipe for their favorite dish. So you get a double deal. Interesting reviews and great recipies. READ THE LAST TWO ISSUES OF THE WRITERS TRICKS OF THE TRADE EZINE IF YOU MISSED THEM Visit her websites for more reviews and recipes. http://marthaskitchenkorner.blogspot.com (A Book and a Dish) http://stirlaughrepeat.blogspot.com (Main Site) http://marthaatkitchenkorner.blogspot.com (Martha's Kitchen Korner) http://marthasrecipecabinet.blogspot.com (Martha's Recipe Cabinet) http://stirlaughrepeatcookbook.blogspot.com (Cookbook Site) BOOKS BY MARTHA LINK LINK ISIT US ON FACEBOOK WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/W BUY BUY RITERSTRICKSOFTHETRADE CHECK THE BLOG HTTP://WRITERSTRICKSOF THETRADE.BLOGSPOT.COM WITH DIRECTORY TO PAST ISSUES WRITERS’ TRICKS OF THE TRADE PAGE 21 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2015