Writers Tricks of the Trade VOLUME 10 ISSUE 1 | Page 21

“naysayers” would caution that once you self-publish, a publisher will never pick up your work. However, lots of successful authors got noticed by publishers by self- publishing their first book. Of course, the book had to have a sales track record or the author possibly had a huge platform. And then, there is the competition that has been fostered by the ease of self-publishing and the internet. Think about it. It makes sense that companies like Kindle Direct Publishing , Draft2Digital and Smashwords are so successful with self-published authors. If you are considering self-publishing a novel, take a look at all of these benefits to see if this is something you would like to pursue, but remember if you aspire to it being successful it requires a lot of promotion and dedication to getting and yourself out there. 1. S OLE O WNERSHIP In most cases, you have the sole right to the material and the right to publish it where you choose. Kindle Direct Publishing is one of the sites that clearly states this, but make sure you look into this before self-publishing on any other sites, particularly if you are using a company to package your book. Make sure you know your rights before self- publishing your book. 2. S ELF -P ROMOTIONS The ability to handle your own promotions and marketing for your book is very important part of self-publishing. Depending upon your capabilities and personality, it can be a benefit or a W INTER 2020 challenge. You are the one responsible for marketing and promoting your book, but these days the same is often true if you are traditionally published.. 3. M ORE R OYALTIES You generally receive more royalties per sale than if you went through a publisher. A lot of times, publishers are going to charge fees for promotion and marketing, and they will sometimes take that out of your first sales on the novel. Typical publishers pay about 10% to 15% on paperback and higher on digital. An important question to ask is whether that is based upon retail or wholesale. Self- publishers are paid a much higher percentage after the cost of publishing a paperback. Digital will pay between 60% and 70% in royalties. 4. S ELF -M ANAGED If you would like to be self-employed and be your own boss, this is the best way to do it; you are in charge of your own hours, time, and investments into this career. It is often very difficult for people to get to this point, because for many this is a dream job, but it is possible. Don't give up hope just because others think you won't be successful. Do what you think is going to be the best option for you and stick with your plan! Set goals for yourself to help make you successful as a full-time, self-published author! Do remember, though, that you pay for editing, cover design and any other attendant costs to publishing. P AGE 16 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE