Writers Tricks of the Trade Vol. 6 Issue 1 | Page 32

PRESS “CONTROL” THEN CLICK “BUY” TO PURCHASE ANY BOOK DON’T GET STARRY-EYED TOO SOON MORGAN ST. JAMES Yes, you should be positive in the coming year, but don’t let your expectations get crazy. If you are practical, do your research and set attainable goals, you’ll have a much better chance of meeting them. So, before you get sucked into all of the hype about the big money being made by authors who took the leap into self-publishing Kindles and eBooks and now have tons of money and offers rolling in from all over the world, a word of caution. In many cases this is true. There are authors who have done amazingly well and others who manage to squeak by. While this sounds fantastic, the truth of the X]\