Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 2 Volume 9 | 页面 7

see a flying pig. (‘Hey look! A flying pig!’) Other variations on the phrase in- clude "And pigs will fly," this one in retort to an outlandish statement.” The “When Pigs Fly” series of short sto- ries recount just a few of the stories that have circulated around LAPD’s Air Support Division for over a half-century. Through first-hand knowledge, Corbin says that some are partially true, some are fiction, most are hard to believe, but all are good for a laugh. These “pig tales” [sic] have be- come folklore taken from the actions or im- aginations of those who carry a gun on their hip, and wear a badge and silver wings on their chest. Welcome to the WTT family, Ron. M OTHER N ATURE I S N OT H APPY What’s going on with Mother Nature? She is releasing what has become a rash of natural disasters—floods, hurricanes, tor- nados and the huge earthquake in the Ridgecrest, California area that apparently left a crack that is visible from space. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by these events and our condolences to those who have lost loved ones as a result. Please do all you can to stay safe. W HAT ’ S B EEN H APPENING I N M Y W RITING L IFE ? As usual there are never enough hours in a day. My new Revenge is Fun book, Scammed, will be released in August in time for me to offer it my special Happy Birthday promo- tion. Those years just keep clicking away, and with every year are new experiences. You probably know my mantra: Never Stop Learning, so I rack up another one on Au- gust 26. W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE Anyway, that will make 5 books in the series and this is the caper that brings the three Ripoff sleuths Cameron, Kate and Kim together with Danny Garrett and Magaret Stanton from Bumping Off Fat Vinny. Cameron Harsen and Danny Garrett both happen to live along the canals in Ven- ice, California. When they meet at a HOA meeting, neither of them have any idea that a murder will propel them and their co- horts together as they try to solve the crime. Not only that, but there will also be a new Silver Sisters Mystery released in the next few months. In Murder On The Menu Chili moves to Portland, Oregon to be exec- utive chef at a new restaurant. But there’s more on the menu than delicious vegetari- an creations. There will also be a promo- tional release on that book. As always, we love reviews, so if you are interested in being an early reviewer for either of the books, please contact me. O N T HE R ADIO Here’s a nice blurb that was in the Free- lance Writers Report: (July 9, 2019) Veter- an journalist Hal Morris, who writes GrumpyEditor.com, along with Morgan St. James, author of 17 books, appeared on As- pects of Writing, discussing "From News- papers to Radio." View the one-hour pro- gram, hosted by James Kelly, on YouTube at http://bit.ly/2NKVSpJ P AGE 2 S UMMER 2019