Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 2 Volume 9 | Page 43

W RITERS T RICKS OF THE T RADE IS LIKE THE APPETIZER TABLE AT A WRITING BUFFET . P ACKED WITH TIPS , TECHNIQUES AND TRICKS -- EVERY CHAPTER HAS SOMETHING YOU CAN USE IMMEDIATELY -- ALL WRITTEN IN LIVELY , ENTERTAINING PROSE . B IBLIOGRAPHY CITES BOOKS FOR IN DEPTH COVERAGE OF SPECIFIC TOPICS . PAPERBACK, KINDLE, eBOOK Chapters filled with technique, general information, reference and inspiration on those days when writers bloc strikes, Writers Tricks of the Trade is a valuable addition to any aspiring or published writer's bookshelf. Amazon , Barnes and Noble, and most Online Booksellers OR from Marina Publishing Group at www.marinapublishinggroup.com W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE P AGE 38 S UMMER 2019