Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 2 Volume 9 | Page 40

thriller/suspense audiobook, usually fea- turing a hero racing to stop a catastrophe. Science Fiction: For excellence in nar- ration, production, and content of a science fiction audiobook, involving an alternate reality based on possible science (however far-fetched). Fantasy: For excellence in narration, production, and content of a fantasy or par- anormal audiobook, involving a world of magic and fantastical creatures brought to life. For example, the story may contain fairies, wizards, vampires, zombies, ghosts, werewolves, etc. Romance: For excellence in narration, production, and content of an audiobook of romance, including romantic suspense, his- torical romance, erotica, etc. Nonfiction: For excellence in narration, production, and content of a non-fiction audiobook. This category is for those titles that do not fit into the specific non-fiction categories 9-11 below. History and Biography: For excellence in narration, production, and content of a historical or biographical audiobook (these two categories are combined since a biog- raphy is an account or history of a person’s life). Autobiography and Memoir: For ex- cellence in narration, production, and con- tent of an autobiography or a memoir. Both of these are an author’s account of their own life, whether straightforward (autobi- ography) or as a literary story drawn from the person’s life (memoir). Business and Personal Development: For excellence in narration, production, and content of a personal development or moti- vational audiobook. S UMMER 2019 Faith-Based Fiction and Nonfiction: For excellence in narration, production, and content of a spiritual or faith-based audio- book. Humor: For excellence in narration, production, and content of a humorous au- diobook. Short Stories and Collections: For ex- cellence in narration, production, and con- tent of an audiobook that consists of sto- ries, essays, anecdotes, or other short prose or poetry elements. Original Work: For excellence in narra- tion, production, and content of an audio- book that is not based on a print work. Young Listeners: For excellence in nar- ration, production, and content of a chil- dren’s audiobook for ages up to 8, including audiobook + book sets. Middle Grade: For excellence in narra- tion, production, and content of a children’s audiobook intended for middle readers, ag- es 8-12. Young Adult: For excellence in narra- tion, production, and content of a teen au- diobook, ages 13-18. Best Female Narrator: For excellence in the solo reading of an audiobook by a female, any category. Best Male Narrator: For excellence in the solo reading of an audiobook by a male, any category. Narration by the Author(s): For excel- lence in the reading of an audiobook by the author or authors of that audiobook, any category. Multi-Voiced Performance: For excel- lence in a multi-voiced performance of an audiobook, which includes multiple readers with little to no interaction, any category. P AGE 35 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE