Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 2 Volume 9 | Page 37

NEWS H ARPER A LLEY WILL BE HEADED UP BY F IRST S ECOND B OOKS VETERAN A NDREW A RNOLD P HOTO BY REAMYDE / F LICKR ) T he imprint is under HarperCollins Children’s Books, but in a statement about the imprint, Arnold said they are “looking to publish books that readers of all ages can enjoy, from the youngest readers to teens and adults. ” This latter part of this line is important to Arnold because he doesn’t want readers to assume he means only kids when he says HarperAlley is an all-ages publisher. He fur- ther defines it by, “We believe that a good story is a story that any reader can relate to. That’s what we mean when we say ‘readers of all ages.'” According to Arnold, HarperAlley ex- pects to publish about 10 books a season, or 30 books a year, and is already acquiring books with a “staff solely dedicated to HarperAlley and editors and designers who W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE have successfully published graphic nov- els.” HarperCollins already boasts a number of graphic novels in its back-catalog. For the future, they recently signed a three- book deal with “Mooncakes” artist Wendy Xu, whose first book under the deal is due out in 2021. They also recently won a bid- ding war for publishing rights to Nadia Shammas and Sara Alfageeh’s graphic novel “Squire.” agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Arnold worked as art director and ac- quiring editor at Macmillan’s First Second Books. Launched in 2006, the Macmillan imprint has become an important incubator for comic book publishing executives. Creaters he worked with during his time P AGE 32 S UMMER 2019