Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 2 Volume 9 | Page 27

NEWS E LLIOTT M ANAGEMENT A GREES TO B UY B ARNES & N OBLE , D AUNT TO R UN B OTH B&N AND UK’ S W ATERSTONES We have seen so many changes in the brick and mortar bookstores and bookstore chains. Now Hedgefund Manager Elliott will pay some US$476 million for Barnes & Noble, having last year bought the UK’s main chain Waterstones. James Daunt is to run both companies. F ollowing a flurry of articles about a Wall Street Journal report that stated “Barnes & Noble was nearing a deal to be bought by New York hedge fund El- liott Management Corp, it was reported on June 7 by Barnes’ founding chairman Len Riggio and Paul Singer’s Elliott offices that the deal is in place. James Daunt, who has had strong success with Waterstones since Elliott’s buy of the UK’s major bookselling chain on April 26, 2018, is scheduled to move to New York City later this year and will run both com- panies. D AUNT : ‘W E C OUNTER A MAZON ’ S S IREN C ALL ’ For a year the UK market watched Daunt lead Waterstones to profitability and the opening of new stores under Elliott’s own- W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE ership. Philip Jones quoted James Daunt, defining his new dual role in the context of Amazon’s dominance in the bookselling market. D AUNT SAYS , IN PART : “Physical bookstores the world over face fearsome challenges from online and digi- tal, a complex array of difficulties that for ease and some evident reason we lay at the door of Amazon. “Our purpose is to create, by investment and old fashioned bookselling skill, bookshops good enough to be a pleasure in their own right and to have no equal as a place in which to choose a book. “We counter thereby Amazon’s siren call and defend the continued existence of real bookshops. P AGE 22 S UMMER 2019