Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 2 Volume 9 | Page 24

S POTLIGHT I NTERVIEW M ICHAEL M ALLORY As a writer, Michael Mallory leads multiple creative lives. By day he is an entertainment journalist with more than four-hundred articles to his credit. By night, he’s a mystery writer. Michael, you are a very prolific writer. Where has your journalistic work ap- peared? In publications including the Daily Variety, The Los Angeles Times, Written By, Newsday, Animation Magazine and Millimeter. You have also written a variety of books from fact to fiction, many of them award- winners. Yes, I wrote six books on anima- tion and popular culture, including Marvel: The Ex- panding Universe Wall Chart (a Silver Medal “Book of the Year” from Fore- Word Reviews); Universal Studios Monsters: A Legacy of Horror (Honorable Mention from the Rondo Hatton Classic Hor- ror Awards) and Hanna-Barbera Cartoons (a People Magazine holiday “pick”). Along with the legendary animation artist Iwao Takamoto, I co-authored a book of memoirs titled Iwao Takamoto: My Life with a Thou- sand Characters. And now we come to your mystery novels. You certainly wear many hats. In fact, I al- ways picture you wearing a hat. Well, in the dusky hours, I become a fiction author. One of my novels won the Derringer Award and I’ve written more than one- S UMMER 2019 hundred short stories for adults and children, mostly in the mystery genre. I’ve used one of your series as an example in my “Crafting Twists and Dropping Clues” workshop. Tell my readers about Amelia Watson. I loved the fact that as a former ac- tress, Amelia used her sense of smell and hearing in the process of solving mysteries. I created “Amelia Wat- son,” the second (and heretofore unherald- ed) wife of Dr. John H. Watson, whose adven- tures can be found in the collection The Ex- ploits of the Second Mrs. Watson, The Adven- tures of the Second Mrs. Watson, and the novel Murder in the Bath. Your short stories have appeared---well, everywhere. I’ve been published in everything from “Ellery Queen’s Mystery Maga- zine” to “Fox Kids Mag- azine,” and have been anthologized in The Mammoth Book of Le- gal Thrillers, The Mam- moth Book of New Jules Verne Adven tures, and Sherlock Holmes: The American Years, among others. My story “The P AGE 19 W RITERS ’ T RICKS OF THE T RADE