a few scantily-clad Bond babes . This scene has nothing to do with the movie . Your new novel prologue , however , should have something to do with the rest of your novel . All that ’ s required is that it gets things flowing fast .
What makes this work ?
The three keys to making the most use of this tip : actually update the copy or add new content , actually update the copyright date , and be sure to put some on-the-cover notice that this book has been updated for 2018 , or 2019 , or … you get the picture . I strongly recommend , if you ’ ve got a track record of sales which also includes a lot of favorable reviews , that you not change the ISBN number . However , if you want your book to make a fresh start ( and perhaps to lose some of those painful old Troll-generated reviews ) – or especially if you want to re-launch the book with all the attendant book-launch publicity , promotion and marketing – by all means , go ahead and get a new ISBN number
Some other examples
Beyond Katie ’ s book , noted above , several of my favorite reference books have been issued in multiple editions . For example , David Meerman Scott ’ s superb The New Rules of Marketing and PR : How to Use News Releases , Blogs , Podcasting , Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly has , remarkably , been a New York Times Business Best-Seller in each of its six editions , selling in the neighborhood of 400,000 copies in 29 languages .
Another favorite is Jody Rein ’ s and Michael Larsen ’ s ground-breaking How to Write a Book Proposal : The Insider ' s Stepby-Step Guide to Proposals that Get You Published which is now available in its fifth edition .
Then comes the ultimate writer ’ s reference book – The Elements of Style , the one reference book that absolutely every writer needs on his or her bookshelf . Since I first discovered this gem while studying journalism in college a zillion years ago , I ’ ve bought at least a dozen copies . I ’ ve bought so many because I tend to give copies away to writing friends and clients – then , when I realize I ’ ve given away my last copy , I have to rush out and buy another copy – or , usually , several , to make sure I don ’ t run out again . Yes , it ’ s really that good . Originally written by William Strunk in 1918 – that ’ s a hundred years ago , folks – it was published by Harcourt two years later , in 1920 . Thirty-nine years later , the original Elements of Style was updated and republished for new generations of writers by the acclaimed author E . B . White . White ’ s collaboration was published by McMillan in 1959 as Strunk and White ’ s Elements of Style . The offspring of that classic and collectable Strunk & White First Edition survived in print for 52 years , going through at least five editions that I ’ ve been able to find .
In 2011 , Time Magazine named Strunk & White ’ s Elements of Style as one of the 100 best and most influential books written in English since 1923 , the year Henry Luce first published Time .
Recently , this authentic classic has been dramatically updated and re-issued ( again ) as Elements of Style 2017 , revised and enhanced by the widely-published grammarian and novelist Richard De A ’ Morelli . De