Writers Tricks of the Trade Issue 2 Volume 8 | Page 30
The residents of Acorn didn't have the
party line but they did spread the gossip.
As I read each 'story' I found myself re-
membering people from my past that
would fit perfectly into Acorn. Even if
your town is small, it's large in its prob-
lems and these problems seem to become
the talk of the town.
I loved this book and the memories it
brought back. So, if you remember the
'Party Lines' you can't help but enjoy this
book. If you are a bit younger than I am
but live in a small town, you'll enjoy this
book. And if you're from a large town,
read it and enjoy what you have missed
out on.
Martha is our resident reviewer. Visit her websites for more reviews and recipes.
http://marthaskitchenkorner.blogspot.com (A Book and a Dish)
http://stirlaughrepeat.blogspot.com (Main Site)
http://marthaatkitchenkorner.blogspot.com (Martha's Kitchen Korner)
http://marthasrecipecabinet.blogspot.com (Martha's Recipe Cabinet)
http://stirlaughrepeatcookbook.blogspot.com (Cookbook Site)
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