Writer's Craft ISU 1 | Page 8

The three MAIN meals of the day


Let’s start with breakfast—the first, most important meal of the day. For this meal, there are countless healthy options to choose from: low-sugar cereals; smoothie bowls loaded with whole grains, nuts, and berries; oatmeal; avocado toast; eggs; and the list goes on. No matter who you are, it’s possible to find a breakfast option that suits your lifestyle—that way, you’ll never have an excuse to skip breakfast again.


Last but definitely not least, dinner, a.k.a. the final meal of the day. Sitting down to eat a hearty, balanced dinner is the ideal way to end a long, stressful day. Similar to lunch, almost anything can be eaten for dinner. Some classic dinner items that are not only delicious but also healthy include various pasta dishes; beef, fish, pork, lamb, or chicken with potatoes, rice, and vegetables; stir fry; and much more. It couldn’t get any easier picking a proper, healthy meal for dinner with so many great options to choose from.


Now onto lunch. The midday meal that helps you stay energized throughout the afternoon. Almost anything can be eaten for lunch, as it’s a highly versatile meal. Whether it be a salad, sandwich, soup, or wrap, you can customize the perfect meal to satisfy your stomach. Eating a healthy, filling lunch will also reduce the risk of wanting to snack on junk food sporadically throughout the day.

A key factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is eating a balanced meal three times per day. If you are not doing this, it’s likely that you are not getting the daily recommended food intake based on your age and gender—meaning you are missing out on indispensable vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.