Writer's Block May, 2013 | Page 16

overtly ‘ confessional ’ subjects like the lives of imams or nuns . Others are harder to pin down , but one of the most interesting discussions occurs when we start discussing what ‘ faith ’ means .
I understand the films featured at Insight do not necessarily have to promote faith ; this must create some interesting discussion , what have been some of the most memorable entrants ? Insight is
very keen to insist that it is for all who share a passion in film and filmmaking , whatever their faith or cultural background . We make
no pre-condition about how faith is to be treated in films entered to the Festival . We ’ re delighted that our partners range from the Catholic international film agency to the British Rationalist Association . The film awarded the ‘ Best in Festival ’ award last year was a fascinating animation
from a Spanish company . It graphically told the story and legend of the last person to be burned at the stake as a witch by the Spanish Inquisition . I think it won because it was a brilliantly conceived animation .
Do you have any hopes for what Insight might achieve or where the festival may go in the future ? Since 2007 we have grown from a one afternoon event in a city centre cafe to a fullblown international
event , with screenings in London and New York and ( 15-17 March ) a weekend of events at the Z Arts Centre in Hulme . It will include the northern premiere of a feature film - ‘ Material ’ with a Q + A with one of its stars Vincent Ebrahim ( Kumars at No 42 ). We also have our first education day for local schools . This global reach and connection with feature films has plenty of scope for growth .
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