WristWatch Magazine Issue 20 | Page 26



URWERK It may seem strange to add electronic components to a watch that has pushed mechanical ingenuity as far as Felix Baumgartner and Martin Frei have with the watches they make at Urwerk . That said , the idea that these two disparate constructions cannot be combined in a manner that entices high-end collectors is laid to rest with the EMC Timehunter X Ray . While all timekeeping functions are performed using the timeless principles of mechanical watchmaking , Urwerk has integrated an electronic system that can show how accurately the EMC is running . A few rapid turns on the attached handle generates enough energy for the electronic module to do a quick analysis of how fast or slow your watch may be running . Even more incredibly , it will also investigate the actual amplitude of the oscillating balance wheel . Once the rate is determined you can make minor timing adjustments on the spot . Limited to only fifteen pieces , this new addition to the Urwerk family will retail for $ 135,000 .