Wrinting Club February | Page 4

Did you know?

What is the origin of the Carnival.

The party of the carnival has origin in various countries in ancient times. It is heritage of the various celebrations perfomed by peoples as the Egyptions, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans. These festivities pagans served the celebrations the big crops and primarily praise divinities.

Why the date of the Carnival changes year by year

The Carnival is a revelry pagan and has its calendar defined of a system for calculating invented by Catholic Church. The Easter Sunday is one of the dates most sacred and the first date yet to be determined. Because all the date of the carnival are calculated in function the date of Easter. The Easter Sunday happens in the first Sunday after the first full moon verified from spring equinox (in the northern hemisphere) or of the autumnal equinox( in the south hemisphere), then Tuesday of the Carnival occurs forty seven days before the Easter.