WP Site Guardian 2017 Review and Bonus Best Review and Huge Bonus | Page 3
When detecting any suspicious activity from the IP that is blocked very quickly
and the hacker is banned immediately. This WP plugin can prevent the exploit
from executing and also shuting down all further hacking attempts.
By removing both exploit and the bad user, you can reduce the risk of site getting
hacked to the maximum.
This is the most powerful plugin on the market which offers the active protection
against current and future exploits because it looks at visitor behavior rather than
the attack code.
What are The Outstanding Features of
WP Site Guardian?
Block XSS Attacks
This feature will help your site to negate the XSS attacks which are the most
common attacking techniques today and are known as the Godfather of Attack, and
for years have been listed as the dangerous attack techniques with web
Block SQLi Attacks
WP Site Guardian helps you protectSQLi attacks. You know, the “SQL Injection”
attacks (SQLI) are based on the website’s poor development, and appear the errors
in data security. The result of this attack can take the whole data from the database
or server. Unlike the DDoS attack, an absolutely SQLI easily be prevented if you
know how to program the web properly.
Block Local File Execution Attacks
This feature can prevent local files from being executed. It is a very common
method used to attack one particular website on the specific server. The tools of
this attack are to use the codes written in one programming language such as PHP,
ASP.Net and Python.
Block Remote File Execution Attacks: You can prevent remote files from being