hear on the radio, and we’ll incorporate some
original songs as well. Our AM services are a
little more traditional. Cornerstone Church is
just like any other church. We’re finding ways
to kind of bridge the gap of the congregation.
Sunday mornings we have a big 180-voice
Jesus We Love You (studio version) Jesus We Love You (solo) choir, so it’s really a traditional church service,
and idea of where I’d like to see (Cornerstone You know, to take pieces that influences each and “Jesus We Love You”. Our congregation
Worship) head. You know, pop culture and pop one of us in our band and letting them have is phenomenal and we’re blessed to have a
music kind of dictates where everything heads. their own creative part in it as well. We kind of congregation that will trust us. So, with that
I really can’t tell you the number of times that let each of the guys on the team paint with their comes this freedom and this big responsibility
I’ve heard a song on popular Christian radio own color pallet as a way of speaking. at the same time. They trust that whatever we
but we’ll put in songs like “Great Are You Lord”
when a song just sounds like a dead-rip-off
bring them, they’ll be able to worship with.
of a song I’d recently heard on a commercial [WM] Do ya’ll use original songs in your
or a secular radio station just a couple of worship services?
[WM] What are some of the songs that are
weeks before. Now, while it may sound great,
making a big impact at Cornerstone?
I believe God’s people should be leading the [Zachery] We do a little bit of both actually. charge on this. So, what we try to do is take For years the church would incorporate some [Zachery] Man, there is a song from
our influences – because you can’t get away original songs here and there. Since I took over Highlands Worship called “Place of Freedom”
from your influences coming out – but, we want the worship ministry, that’s really where we want that our church just loves to sing and “Great
to take those influences and styles of different to go. We want to write songs for the heart of Things” by Phil Wickham.
people and ideas in the way they approach the house and not just doing all the same songs things and then make our own thing. Almost that everybody else does. We do a hybrid. We’ll [WM] You played for the Crabb Family for a
like a musical gumbo. Everyone loves gumbo! do old church songs, newer songs that people while. How did you get that gig?
September 2019
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