we have a rotating horn section, which is not Glory. We actually cut that whole record here So, we wanted our first splash out into the
typically the norm for most churches. Now, in in our studio. water to be just that… something that kind of
the morning services we have a huge seven-
represented a little bit of everything that we do.
piece section, but for the evening services we Chasing Glory was one of those things… we’ve You know there is so much out there in modern
have a baritone sax, an alto sax, and a trumpet written a lot of new stuff. My music director, P & W music that’s good, but we wanted to
that we rotate out. The reason is for songs like Sean, is a phenomenal musician. He’s a bass be like, “Hey, let’s do a song that sounds like
“Can’t Stop” from our EP that has the really player mainly for us, but he does a lot of the Prince or Michael Jackson had something to
poppin’ brass… we really want to incorporate keyboard stuff and programming… he plays do with it!” (laughs) Just the sheer musicianship
that into what we do. We are very about making saxophone and trumpet, all kinds of stuff! But, of the guys that we have on the team – to be
our own statement musically. he and I wrote a good bit of that record and able to utilize them in ways that kind of features
we’ve been writing a lot more. That record was the band, you know?
We’ll have two upbeat songs to open up the kind of an interesting EP for us because where service and they’ll be there for those songs we went with it was kind of starkly different from So, that was kind of the idea behind it and since
and for the back half of worship – after where a lot of the Praise and Worship stuff goes then we’ve been more focused on where we’re
announcements, they’ll step down. The rest of and it was very intentional. headed musically and we’ve got some stuff
the service will be more of a traditional worship
set from there.
[WM] Tell about your studio…
that we’ve been writing for our next project that
It was one of those things where we kind of we’ll start working on soon. It’s a lot more of
released it just to go, “Hey, we do so much P & W meets rock guitars and stuff like that.
at Cornerstone – so many different styles” Being a guitar player, of course I love Lincoln
you know, we’ve been blessed to really have Brewster’s stuff. He’s the man. But, we really
[Zachery] We have a studio on church creative freedom given to us by Pastors John like to take that and even incorporate some
campus here that was designed by Ron Berger, and Matthew Hagee, who are both music Southern Music influence and Blues Music
he’s a studio designer complete with a tracking lovers. We have freedom to really express influence. We have this version of “Jesus We
room, a live room, and some isolation booths ourselves in different ways in music. We’ll have Love You” that we do that almost sounds like it
as well. We do a lot of overdub stuff here and songs that are super modern and then we’ll came off of a John Mayer record. We really try
we also have a worship EP out called Chasing have stuff that’s more traditional sounding. to incorporate that in with my musical direction
September 2019
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