If you’re a youth pastor or leader, you may with big gestures when she should come in 2. Taking music lessons and music theory
have several very gifted vocalists on your singing. One of our keyboard players knew will help them know the language of music –
worship team. But without them having a basic the bar counts and also where the vocals were worship leaders need to be able to speak to
understanding of simple music theory, bar supposed to come in, and she had to come every musician on the team, and direct them
counts, note values, and chord structure, your in and lead the beginning of trickier sections confidently and without confusion or ambiguity.
music ministry will definitely struggle. You might herself to cue the lead vocalist to start singing. I continually find yourself with many vocalists on knew our new vocalist was scared half to death 3. Vocalists that gain a basic understanding
the team, with no one to lead. You might find leading a large adult congregation, and I can of the fundamental instruments (keyboard,
yourself in the position we found ourselves in a only imagine how intimated and defeated she guitar, bass, and drums) will enable them to
couple of weeks ago: felt in the moment. communicate much better with other musicians
For this month’s live worship event, we had our Praise God, it was actually a very worshipful head that they want the band to execute. It also
school of music student worship band booked set that day. The congregation was engaged opens the door to creativity with arrangements
on the calendar at one of the churches that and remarked how spirit led it was, but to the and dynamics.
we partner with. But three weeks before the band and myself it felt like a crazy roller coaster date, two of our main vocalists (who were also ride. After the last song was over, she prayed 4. It is a learned musical skill at a band rehearsal
instrumentalists) cancelled due to their family and thanked God for the blessing to be on the to know how to start midway in a song (like
summer vacations. We had just on-boarded a platform with this band, and for the opportunity running part B of the second chorus to the end
couple of new, very talented lead vocalists to to lead worship for this church. She got pretty of the song, or running a particular section over
our school of music, but they were only just choked up, and looking back, I think how easily and over until it’s tight). Every worship leader/
a couple of months into learning to play an this could have been a very different turnout vocalist should know how to do this!
instrument (one on keys, the other on guitar), for her. She was just not quite ready to lead but we didn’t want to cancel the worship event. a worship team vocally, no matter how good If you have followed our previous articles, you
– especially when they hear something in their
her voice was, and it might have defeated know that we video every live worship event
This would also be their first live worship event her to the point that she could have wanted that our students do. The following week we
with our school of music, and they were both to quit altogether. We’re fortunate that she’s have a sit down with each student, watch the
so excited! They both passed their auditions, now looking forward to learning music theory video, and encourage them with how great
and we felt confident enough of their abilities, as quickly as she can instead of being just a they did, and give them tips on how they can
but at rehearsal the Saturday night before the vocalist. With some simple encouragement, improve for the next event. This is one of the
event, one of the new vocalists really struggled you can raise up strong worship leaders, not most powerful tools that we use in raising up
to find how to come in to her song, and we had just gifted vocalists, that can lead the band worship leaders.
to keep going over and over the intro into the and the congregation in your ministry with verse, and then other sections of the song. We confidence. Try encouraging your lead vocalists May you be blessed as you pour into the next
didn’t think we were going to make it through to become skilled worship leaders with these generation of worship leaders!
the two songs she was leading, and we left the four things:
rehearsal thinking the band was probably going
to fall apart trying to chase the vocalist. On the 1. Learning music on a polyphonic instrument
Sunday morning run-thru, it wasn’t any better (e.g. guitar, keyboard) will enable them to
- she just was too new to music theory to feel lead worship on mission trips, bible study
comfortable counting in her head in front of a groups, or other events. There are so many
live audience, and so from the sound board at opportunities out there for vocalists that are
the back of the room, I ended up holding my also instrumentalists!
hand up high, counting down on my fingers
September 2019
Vance & Michelle Shepherd
Founders of The Shepherd School of Music in Las
Vegas, NV, where they work with youth to raise up the
next generation of worship leaders and musicians.
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