big, strong and anthemic, I’m going to jump lines are difficult to sing, perhaps there is a
straight in and write 4-part harmony for it. I want better option to consider for those points in
the top 3 parts to be written in close harmony, the arrangement.
harmony match.
So, that covers the sopranos, altos and tenors.
so forming basic triads underneath the soprano
What about the basses? For this kind of pop
melody. To help me do this, I am going to follow A great way to achieve all these points is to vocal arrangement, I would simply have the
a few basic guidelines: base your vocal harmonies on either the I or bass singers take the soprano part an octave
ii chords. Between I and ii you can harmonize below, rather than singing a unique bass part.
1. SIMILAR MOTION every chord of the diatonic scale except the 7th This won’t always be the best option, but
Wherever possible, both of the lower voices degree, which we need to use the V chord for. for this punchy style vocal arrangement, it’s
should move in similar motion (the same Here is the whole scale harmonized: (Figure 4) definitely the way to go.
harmony writing rules - consecutive fifths and Using this, we can harmonise our 4 bars by So, now that we’ve got all our basses covered
octaves are fine. just slotting in the appropriate parts under the (ba-dum-tish!),
direction) as the top voice. Forget the old 4-part
applicable notes. For this song, I am going arrangement for the first 4 bars of the chorus.
2. SEVENTH COMMOTION? to use either the I or the ii chord regardless (Figure 6)
Only use 7th note of the scale as a harmony of which chord is being played in the chord note if you can depart from it by step, preferably progression, and it’s going to sound great! Phew. 4 bars down, 92 to go! Next month, we’ll
upwards towards the tonic. (Figure 5) look at some other arranging ideas for choirs
3. SING IT WITH EMOTION! Now, the eagle-eyed among you will notice Sing the lower parts on their own. Our aim is for a slight discrepancy - I have not harmonized each part to have natural feeling voice-leading - the final note (F#) using the notes from the ii this will make it both easier to sing, and sound chord (F# minor) as the chord of the song in better. If there is a point where the individual that bar is a V chord, so we’ve made the vocal
that will take this year’s Christmas service to a
whole other level.
Jared Haschek
Jared has arranged strings and horns for albums
such as Hillsong Worship’s There Is More and
The Peace Project, Hillsong United’s Wonder,
Highlands Worship’s Jesus You Alone and River
Valley Worship’s A Million Lifetimes.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
September 2019
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