Lil’ Willie
the Way,” and an orchestral collaboration with floats above the feel-good opener “Fine Way to
tenor phenomenon Marc Martel dropped just Live Your Life.” Other songs deal with the joys
last month. He’s also started a blog with his wife of family, friends, and neighbors. “B Who U Is”
Andi as “The Writer and the Husband.” Plus strikes a prophetic posture about identity which
Peacock’s son Sam Ashworth just released a shouldn’t be as controversial in 2019 as it is:
whole album of his dad’s unrecorded songs. “A songbird ain’t no robin… sing the song God
If that wasn’t enough, the elder (but not that gave you.” “Wouldn’t Leave Love Alone” closes
elder!) Peacock has a whole album of his own, things off with a touching tribute to those who
this time following the acoustic roots trail blazed steer a wounded soul through difficult straits.
by his 2012 collection “No Man’s Land.” Like the album as a whole, it’s a vital statement
from an artist who clearly has much more to say
Though a keyboardist himself, many of
and to offer.
Peacock’s best albums have been guitar-
After a stint in music education at Belmont centric; “West Coast Diares Vol 2” and
University, Christian music’s most thoughtful “Everything That’s On My Mind” come to mind.
soul singer clearly has a lot of pent-up creativity This album fits with those, Peacock acting
to release. Last year brought the improvisational primarily as a singer/songwriter rather than an
jazz release “When the Light Flashes Help Is On accompanist. Peacock’s sweet tenor vibrato
Robert Berman
Robert is a Sunday School teacher, music nerd,
and acoustic guitar enthusiast. He lives in rural
Tennessee with his wife and three boys.