NOW HEAR THIS | Gerod Bass
“Canvas and Clay” by Pat Barrett
Rain - Part 3
foreknew us and chose us before the formation
of the universe. Then the simple chorus follows
and brings us to the main focus of the song
as we hear an excerpt from Romans 8 that
reminds us that in all things God is working
for our good. Here again, we hear about the
wonderful plan of salvation that God has for His
people and that everything that has happened
or will happen is not an accident.
Verse 3 tells us of God’s healing light that
overcomes the darkness and verse 4 brings the
main focus home by pointing out that “nothing
From the upcoming album, has been wasted, no failure or mistake. You’re 1.
Canvas and Clay an artist and a potter. I’m the canvas and the 2. Fall On Me
My Reason
clay”. What a glorious thought that even our 3. God Is On The Throne
This month we at [WM] Worship Musician mistakes and failures give God glory and bring 4. Rain Down Your Glory
are starting something new and different in us closer to Him!
the art of worship reviews. While we will still
It seems like some bands just never stop
offer reviews on plenty of the newest and But Barrett does not just leave it at that. The recording and releasing albums. Such is the
best worship albums out there, we would bridge is one line, “You’re not finished with case with Aussie worship band, Planetshakers
like to begin highlighting some of the better me, you’re not finished with me yet”. In this whose
songs off of those albums for personal and seemingly simple use of language, Barrett cuts comprised of three separate EP’s with the first
congregational worship. straight to the heart of the ultimate forgiveness two being released earlier this year. The third
that God offers. We may think we are far from EP is a nice little collection of four songs that
This month we share the title track from the God and could never be forgiven for what we will appeal to a younger generation who want
upcoming new Pat Barrett release, Canvas have done, yet He still longs for us and still to learn basic biblical truths wrapped in EDM
and Clay which will be featured as a full album desires eternity with us. This is His ultimate plan and techno-pop packaging.
review in our October issue. for humanity and we are invited to be a part of
it no matter who we are or what we have done.
One of Barrett’s strengths as a worship writer
Sometimes less is more with regards to lyrics
in a worship song and this is the case with
stems from his ability to take complex Biblical Instrumentally it’s pretty straight forward with the album opener, “My Reason” which is an
truths and convey those truths creatively into guitars, keys, drums and bass and the chord energetic, simple song of praise with vibrant
language that can be sung and understood. progression is nothing special. This song could techno beats that proclaims the greatness of
For example, “Canvas and Clay” uses a variety easily be learned and played by an average of visual imagery that clues us into the idea of worship band. I would definitely use this song God’s ongoing plan of salvation. during a time of confession or during a sermon
or series about God as creator or about the
The song begins with a subtle piano motif as
faithfulness of God.
he sings about how God’s love for his people
begins in the womb as we are created with
substance and purpose. We further learn
that none of us is an accident and that God
September 2019
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