(Romans 5:20). This a great picture of what concerts and festivals, independent recordings, filled with so many impactful dynamics, but so
happened during that time. The dynamics alternative “underground” newspapers, Bible is the time that we live in. We live in perilous and
of history, culture, technology, economics, Study gatherings, and Christian communes divisive times! Where are the church’s songs
and artistry, all mentioned in part one of this appeared everywhere throughout the country, that chronicle the world that we live in? These
piece, were not only in place, but crying out for and eventually worldwide. songs remain to be written.
timing, the Jesus Movement was born. And Who were some of these troubadours of the Malcolm and Alwyn’s “The World Needs Jesus”
with the Jesus Movement came “Jesus Music”. faith? Larry Norman, Randy Stonehill, Love is just as relevant today as it was 46 years ago.
Song, Phil Keaggy, Andrae Crouch and the Now that’s impact!
expression. As a result, and because of God’s
The music and practices born during this time Disciples, Agape, Nancy Honeytree, Britain’s
within the church (the late 60’s and early 70’s), Malcolm and Alwyn, all fit this description.
were a mirror to what was current in the culture,
In conclusion, let us indeed mirror reality, as
well as shape it for our culture. That is our true
and something that much of religious music Was the Jesus Movement a perfect movement?
aim for impact.
historically had ignored. Granted, the music No. Were the leaders perfect? No. Was the was largely derivative of the singer/songwriter music perfect? No. How do I know about the “Art is not a mirror held up to reality,
movement of the day. But all of a sudden guitars, above? I know this because I was there. But but a hammer with which to shape it.” (Brecht)
drums, and amplification were being used to impact was made that lasts to this day.
create an expression of faith in the vernacular
of the day. Much of this activity was outside of So, where can we find our impact as songwriters, the established church. The inability of some singers, artists and musicians, today? Are we early Jesus Music musicians and singers to writing for radio formulas, or are we writing perform in churches due to the establishment’s for impact? Who in the church is currently dislike for their music and long hair was no impacting our culture and church? What songs problem. God was moving and a parallel are currently “making the difference”, and what church universe was created. Coffee houses, songs will continue to do so? The sixties were Love Song Randy Stonehill Phil Keaggy
Andrae Crouch Nancy Honeytree Malcolm and Alwyn
September 2019
Alex MacDougall
Former member of Daniel Amos (DA), the Larry
Norman Band, and the Richie Furay Band. He
has toured and recorded with all of the above,
as well as Andrae Crouch, Bob Bennett, Phil
Keaggy, and hundreds of additional artists
and projects. He has served and serves as an
Adjunct Professor, teaching in Music Business at
Dallas Baptist University and Trevecca Nazarene
University’s National Praise and Worship
Institute, in Nashville, TN. Alex is available for
lecture, teaching, and conference workshops via
[email protected].
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